
GSEVEE Joins the European Pact for Skills Initiative

The Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE) has been accepted by the European Commission as a member of the European Pact for Skills Initiative. The main objective of this initiative is to develop the skills of Europe's workforce.

The Pact for Skills aims to foster a common vision on skills development among its members, based on the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It also supports the goals of the EU Green Deal and the digital transformation efforts, as outlined in the Commission's Communication, "A Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions."

In particular, the Initiative seeks to mobilize and encourage its members, both public and private stakeholders, to take concrete actions and commitments towards upskilling and reskilling the working-age population.

This initiative is open to both private and public organizations, as well as partnerships between organizations focused on upskilling and reskilling working-age individuals. Eligible organizations must be based in EU Member States, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries, or candidate countries.

GSEVEE's participation in this initiative offers numerous benefits. It provides access to a network of organizations that share the same vision for skills development and ensures continuous updates on European policies, tools, best practices, and innovative approaches through collaboration with other members.

For more information about the Pact for Skills Initiative, please visit the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1517&langId=en.