Strengthening of GSEVEE & its members Initiatives undertaken by the social partners for restoring trust and strengthening their effective participation in the social dialogue
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Upgrading the building sector workforce training and qualifications in Greece-UPSWING
Study of social policies and promotion of employment Creating local jobs initiative via public benefit programmes
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning From occupational profiles to educational programmes and curricula (OPEP)
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Promoting and Implementing European principles of quality assurance in higher vocational education and training (QA HiVETnet) in 5-7 EQF levels
Study of social policies and promotion of employment Local initiatives of social inclusion for vulnerable groups (TOPEKO) "Together at work" in the Municipality of Kallithea - Development Consortium "Horizons for employment"
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Network of vocational schools and micro-enterprises in the metal construction sector – INNO APPRE-NET
Study of social policies and promotion of employment Social Innovation Network for Kallithea Municipality
Strengthening of GSEVEE & its members Raising awareness, publicity and dissemination activities of GSEVEE's actions under the Operational Programme Human Resources Development
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning National authorities for apprenticeship: encouraging companies as integral partners for apprenticeship in Greece and Cyprus
Entrepreneurship Support Affirmative actions for promoting women participation in economic decision-making
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Enhancing the workforce skills in the energy efficiency and renewably energy sources – BUILD UP Skills – Greece (BUS-GR)
Strengthening of GSEVEE & its members Support of the institutional and entrepreneurial capacity of GSEVEE
Entrepreneurship Support EKKE subsidies on the Development and Dissemination of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Municipality of Athens
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Training and acquisition of professional experience for graduates of VTC, EPAS and EPAL
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Building learning societies: Promoting validation of non-formal and informal Learning
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Vocational training and professional qualification pilot schemes
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Lifelong learning programmes for the development of horizontal and social skills
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Lifelong learning programmes for the employees of small enterprises
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Lifelong learning programmes focused on enterpreneurship and information technologies
Vocational training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning Training/ retraining programmes for self-employed and employees
Strengthening of GSEVEE & its members Action plan for the promotion of women in the decision-making centres of of GSEVEE institutional bodies