A few words about the thematic field
The diagnosis of skills and occupations demand refers to the systematic and integrated monitoring, recording, processing, studying and presentation of data on the specialized needs of small enterprises and their human resources in knowledge, skills and competences at the national, regional and sectoral levels.
Today, a key component of such mechanisms at an international level is the documented research of human resources skills demand, through a variety of different methodologies and techniques, as these are utilized productively and as they tend to evolve in the future in relation to technological, economic, regulatory and institutional changes. The general objective of diagnosis mechanisms at the national and international levels is the timely and documented registering of trends in skills demand and the identification of potential mismatches between offer (people) and demand (enterprises) in skills. The functions of such diagnosis mechanisms are realized through the collection and processing of primary and secondary data, as well as the provision of reliable data during the planning of employment policies, vocational education and training and the policies for the development of human resources. In addition, a basic function of such diagnosis mechanisms is often the analysis of the impact of significant technological and regulatory changes at sectoral and occupational levels in terms of the required knowledge, skills and competences. At the European level, Cedefop is the main body for monitoring skills demand in sectors and occupations. The Labour market skills diagnosis mechanism operates in Greece since 2016 under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare and in partnership with NILHR. The national social partners (GSEE, SEV, GSEVEE, ESEE, SETE) constitute the main acting organizations in both the planning and application of the Diagnosis Mechanism.
Our goals
The main objectives of IME GSEVEE in this field include:
- contributing to the consolidation of a skills strategy that takes into consideration the data from the productive structure of the Greek economy,
- contributing to the gathering and organized reproduction, promotion and utilization of the various actions that investigate skills demand, implemented (through different methodologies and techniques) by bodies and organizations,
- contributing to the formulation and adopting of appropriate methodologies for the investigation of skills demand, based on a methodological framework of approaches adopted by the competent European bodies (for example),
- promotion of data and findings to the respective education and training sub-systems, vocational guidance units and the labour market in the form of up to date and valid information necessary for rational decision making,
- developing of collaborations with respective bodies that process and manage data and research information at the national and international levels.
What we do
In this specific field, IME GSEVEE promotes its goals through the planning and implementation of relevant surveys and studies for the collection and processing of valid and reliable data, the implementation of national and European projects, as well as the elaboration of substantiated policy proposals and working papers with reference to the key findings stemming from skills demand investigation actions.
Indicatively it is reported that IME GSEVEE has actively participated as a coordinator-partner in the pilot phase of the implementation of the National Labour Market Diagnosis Mechanism (National Labour Market Diagnosis Mechanism-Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare), in the part identifying and predicting skills demand, in collaboration with the rest national institutional social partners and with the scientific support of NILHR. Additionally, IME GSEVEE implements relevant activities for the investigation of skills demand at the national and European levels. One of the emblematic actions implemented by IME GSEVEE in the current period (2017-2020) concerns the development of a mechanism for forecasting and monitoring factors that change the productive environment of sectors, occupations and skills (ΕPΑnΕΚ 2014-2020).The overall objective of the diagnosis mechanisms is the timely and documented registering of trends and developments in skills demand and the identification of potential mismatches.