A few words about the thematic field
Are the concepts of education and development so "incompatible", when in times of intense change and transformations the role of education emerges as particularly important? It is no coincidence for IME GSVEE that it is becoming more and more obvious on both national and European levels that small enterprises cannot remain in the margins of the public debate with respect to the developments and changes in educational systems, as they affect directly and decisively the business, technological and economic environment in which they operate and grow, as well as its human resources, be it employees or entrepreneurs.
Without being able to argue that social prosperity is determined solely by economic development, the developments in vocational training, apprenticeship, initial and lifelong learning are placed at the very heart of interest of small enterprises.
In Greece there is a significant gap in the study of vocational education and training, something not in line with its importance for small enterprises and young people. Current studies show that vocational education and training remain -largely- degraded and ineffective, constituting for the majority of young people a "solution born of desperation". At the same time, the existence of a healthy vocational education and training environment for the world of small enterprises remains paramount. Despite the fact that Greece had a long standing tradition of "apprenticeship in the professions", recently the debate on apprenticeship has renewed the interest in vocational training and its relation to the employment of young people and their integration into the labor market and has led to interventions in the Greek educational system. At the same time, intense and profound changes in the scientific, technological, economic and social fields not only render imperative the upgrading of the knowledge, skills and capacities of the citizens for their easier integration into the labor market, but they are also a means for personal growth and promotion of active participation. Although lifelong learning has come in recent years strongly to the front and in the public debate, it seems that despite the significant progress in the field, it has not secured its full place in Greek society, something demonstrated through the percentages that show the small participation of adults in educational actions in the country.
Our goals
The main objectives of IME GSEVEE in the field of vocational education and training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning are twofold: on one hand, the study, research and monitoring of indicators related to these issues and on the other, the formulation of realistic terms for the upgrading of the small enterprises human resources skills and more. More specifically, the following are achieved through the study, data collection and research:
Documentation of the positions and proposals that are related to the field of education and its relation to the labour market and employment.
Systematic intervention in the public debate on these crucial issues.
Strengthening and upgrading the participation of social partners in the respective policy and decision making bodies through the scientific documentation of their positions.
Strengthening the matching of European and national policies on issues related to lifelong learning and vocational education and training.
Provision of scientific, advisory and documentation support to GSEVEE on these issues.
The following are achieved through the provision of specific applications and services:
Enhancing the human resources of the enterprises, through the improvement of educational systems and particularly the sectors most linked to entrepreneurship.
Provision of information and educational materials aimed at both specialized readers and the general public.
Enhancing the participation of enterprises in learning at the workplace and apprenticeship programs through systematic provision of information.
Increase in the number of professionals participating in education, training and lifelong learning programs.
Promotion of integrated systems for the certification of professions and professionals represented by GSVEE.
What we do
In this specific field IME GSEVEE promotes its goals through the planning and implementation of relevant surveys and studies for the gathering and processing of reliable data, the implementation of national and European projects and the monitoring of policy analysis indicators. Research and study results, as well as its positions and proposals on vocational education and training, apprenticeship & lifelong learning are published in editorial series such as Newsletters, Opinion Texts, Research Texts and Studies. Α systematic communication with the people and the actors in the field of education, the business community, the Greek state, European policy makers, the scientific community, social partners and civil society is thus developed, alongside the organizing of thematic workshops and the setting up of scientific working groups. IME GSEVEE implements relevant actions for the systematic monitoring and documentation of issues related to vocational education and training, apprenticeship, lifelong learning, skills and qualifications through the Research mechanism for the monitoring in the fields of social policy, employment and education. In addition to its participation in European programs on issues such as education, training and apprenticeship, IME GSEVEE participates in representative bodies and committees (EOPPEP, CEDEFOP etc). Simultaneously, the elaboration of innovative educational methodologies, tools and means constitutes a central part of the action of IME GSVEE in this field, as it contributes to the production of applications that can be directly utilized by small entrepreneurs, as well as the Greek state. One typical example is the elaboration of a methodology for the" Development of Training Programs Standards and Educational Contents", aimed at the standardized, up to date and qualitative structuring of an exemplary model for the design, planning and elaboration of modern educational content and continuous vocational training materials.
The implementation of training programs for professionals and employees in small enterprises and lifelong learning programs both hold a special position.
For the world of small enterprises, the existence of a sound vocational education and training system is of utmost importance.