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Affirmative actions for promoting women participation in economic decision-making
Affirmative actions for promoting women participation in economic decision-making
- Description
- Publications
- News & Events
- Procurments
The project concerns the implementation of interventions aimed to promote the balanced participation of men and women in economic decision-making. The following actions have been planned and implemented to that end:
- Design and promotion of strategies to encourage the balanced participation of men and women in the business community;
- Raising awareness of social partners, enterprises and the public on issues concerning gender equality as well as balanced participation of men and women in economic decision-making;
- Empowering women who seek to assume positions of responsibility, by organising training workshops and coaching sessions.
In particular, IME GSEVEE within the framework of this project organises workshops primarily aiming to present good practices and exchange useful experience, but also raise awareness and highlight the advantages of the balanced participation of men and women in positions of responsibility (Managers and CEOs) in economic decision-making centres.
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