National authorities for apprenticeship: encouraging companies as integral partners for apprenticeship in Greece and Cyprus
The project aims at improving and reassuring attractiveness, quality and effectiveness of the Greek and Cypriot apprenticeship system, through the transmission of know-how from countries having a tradition in properly operation of apprenticeship; it also aims at mobilising Greek and…
Affirmative actions for promoting women participation in economic decision-making
The project concerns the implementation of interventions aimed to promote the balanced participation of men and women in economic decision-making. The following actions have been planned and implemented to that end: Design and promotion of strategies to encourage the balanced…
Enhancing the workforce skills in the energy efficiency and renewably energy sources – BUILD UP Skills – Greece (BUS-GR)
The project implements actions with regard to: (a) identification of the training needs in the construction sector and (b) formulation and implementation of a national strategy regarding the certification of training and skills of construction workers and installers of energy-saving…
Support of the institutional and entrepreneurial capacity of GSEVEE
The project aims at supporting and upgrading the intervention role of GSEVEE, in order to generate policy proposals, promote social dialogue and contribute to the development, of a new growth productive model of the country, with the participation and expansion…
Entrepreneurship and innovation in SMEs
The project concerns the development and implementation of an integrated support mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises at the Municipality of Athens. Within this framework, several customised business support services’ actions took place, aimed to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.…
EKKE subsidies on the Development and Dissemination of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Municipality of Athens
The project concerns the implementation of awareness-raising, collective and individual information, coaching, further education and networking actions, as well as application of CSR practices in the Municipality of Athens. Social clusters registered or activated in the Municipality of Athens, along…
Innovation and small business networks
The project concerns the implementation of actions to support innovation and business networking, with the purpose of strengthening the innovative activity and competitiveness of small enterprises. These actions primarily concern the provision of information and vocational training to enterprises, while…
Training and acquisition of professional experience for graduates of VTC, EPAS and EPAL
The project concerns the development of an incentive scheme addressed to the graduates of the Vocational Education-Training centres (more specifically the Institutes of Vocational Training-IEK, the Professional Schools-EPA.S, Professional Lyceums-EPA.L), helping them to gain professional experience by positioning them in…
Mechanism of Labour Market Skills Diagnosis
The project is part of the National System for Diagnosis of the Labour Market needs and specifically concerns the contribution of institutional social partners GSEVEE (Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants), SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises), ESEE (Hellenic Co-federation…
Building learning societies: Promoting validation of non-formal and informal Learning
The project aims at developing specifications and means for the implementation of an awareness-raising campaign regarding the validation of non-formal and informal learning (NFIL) outcomes, as a tool to further improve career perspectives for adults, and to further enhance opportunities…
Vocational training and professional qualification pilot schemes
The project comprises of two interlinked pillars of action: the first concerns the design and implementation of technical vocational training in specialised fields based on certified, vocational profiles of technical specialisations. The programmes feature the following thematic modules: Photovoltaic systems…
Lifelong learning programmes for the development of horizontal and social skills
The project concerns the implementation of lifelong learning programmes addressed to employees of public and private sector, self-employed and affiliated members of small business units. These are specialised programmes for upgrading knowledge, competencies and skills aiming to developing fundamental, horizontal…